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Oil Palm Genome Data Available.
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EG01 ContigsGENOMEThis file contain contigs of assembled reads from E. guineensis genomic libraries14.95 MbFeb, 2014
EG01 SingletsGENOMEThese are singlets of assembled reads from E. guineensis genomic libraries30.57 MbFeb, 2014
BAC 12 supercontigsGENOMEGenomic DNA from dura palms were used to create BACs. The BAC clones were pooled into 4 pools (BAC9, BAC10, BAC11 & BAC12) and sequenced using 454. Each BAC pool was assembled separately and manually finished.949.38 KbFeb, 2014
BAC 11 supercontig907.02 KbFeb, 2014
BAC 10 supercontig0.98 MbFeb, 2014
BAC 9 supercontig975.85 KbFeb, 2014
Predicted ProteinGENESThis is the nucleotide sequences of predicted genes from E. guineensis and E. oleifera contigs656.91 KbMar, 2014
Predicted TranscriptGENESThis is the amino acid sequences of predicted genes from E. guineensis and E. oleifera contigs656.91 KbMar, 2014